Friday, September 30, 2011

Update: 2 days before GMAT

Hello again from Mother Russia, 2 days prior to my GMAT date of 02.10.11. 

Tomorrow morning, I'm on my way to Moscow. I'll check the test center location first thing, then have a good rest and maybe a little bit of repetition. 

Last two weeks, I was working overtime at work constantly and I had a stringent GMAT study schedule. Therefore I couldn't update the blog to present how my study goes. Actually I do not have a lot of time right now to get in to details of my studies, the analysis of my prep tests and the evaluation of the test results. However, to demonstrate how I was doing, here is a chart that I prepared, showing my prep test scores:

Only 3 of the exams were on Sundays. I had all the other ones week-time after work, earliest at 20:00. Some of them were finished at later than 1 a.m. I want to believe that this fact had a considerably negative effect on my results.

The anomaly on the upward trend of the overall score, which can be seen on the last prep test happened because somehow I couldn't manage my time on the verbal section. I had 6 mistakes until the last 6 questions, where I had to guess all and made 5 mistakes. I believe in myself that on a relaxed Sunday noon time, with a clear mind, I am able to do much better with timing and concentration. 

That's it for now. See you on the other side!